If you are a Mal's Ecommerce cart user, you may be looking for an integrated loyalty solution to launch a loyalty program of your own. Loyal2 provides a complete loyalty solution for card-based, stamp-and-collect, semi-virtual and fully online loyalty programs - and best of all, we are fully integrated with Mal's Ecommerce.
This integration is live. After each sale is concluded in Mal's E-commerce the data from the sale will be posted to Loyal2 automatically adding the customer and the transactions and awarding the correct number of points. If a customer already exists (determined by their email or telephone number) then the sale is attached to the existing customer.
Follow these 6 easy steps to get your Mal's Ecommerce cart connected to Loyal2, and start by signing up today!
If you require Loyal2 Discount Voucher codes to be automatically added to your Mal's E-Commerce account whenever they are issued follow these steps:
Note: in order for a Loyal2 Voucher to be applicable for Mal's E-commerce it will need a 'value' to be set for it, as shown above. The default 'value' is a currency value - but if you want it to be a 'percent of sale value' then simply select that as the 'value type' in the dropdown supplied.
If you want the voucher only to apply to sales of a certain minimum value then set the 'min value' setting in the voucher accordingly.
If you want the above settings only to apply to certain items in the order then use the sku_code which is a prefix match on any sku_code you pass through to the sale... ie ABC will match items with sku_code ABC, ABC001 or ABCDE.
All vouchers added to Mal's this way are 'single use'.